The procedure of Nasya can be classified under three headings,
1. Poorvakarma or pre purificatory measures

Includes facial oil massage or application of steam to face, forehead, head, ears and neck. This helps to loosen the adhesive Doshas.

2. Pradhanakarma or main procedure of Nasya

This is the main step of Nasya and includes instillation of luke warm medication in both the nostrils, alternately, with the help of proper instrument like dropper. The sole, shoulder, neck, ear and palm are gently massaged after the administration of the drug

3. Paschatkarma or post therapeutic measures

In this procedure patients mouth is cleaned by giving luke warm water to gargle and then medicated smoke is given for inhalation.

How Does Nasya Treatment Work?

The medicaments administered through the nostrils pervade into the nervous (Brain) and venous system (Blood circulation) present in and around the nostrils. Then they evacuate the morbidity present or distributed in nearby area. Thus it relieves the blockage of the channels and the diseases are cured effectively. Medicated oils / juices / powders stimulate the vital centres of brain to overcome specific diseases. Nasya treatment does not cause any serious side effects when performed by an experienced therapist. However, it is recommended to not undergo Nasya
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